Library sort up…

“Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror” — R. Tagore

Portocanale by night. Grado, Gorizia, Italy. Michele Marcolin ©

Olympus E-M5 + OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3, ƒ/8.0 6 seccs. ISO 200

Olympus E-M5 + OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3, ƒ/8.0 6 seccs. ISO 200

Old but yet fascinating Tokyo Tower. Tokyo, Japan. Michele Marcolin ©

E-M5 + OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3 | ƒ/8.0 1/5 ISO 1000

E-M5 + OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3 | ƒ/8.0 1/5 ISO 1000

Two shots inspired to the themes of ‘reflections’, that happened to be appreciated in more than a photo-freaks groups. Imperfection belongs to human nature, but probably for that reason we keep on being attracted by the precise geometric beauty of symmetries.

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky”

—Rabindranath Tagore

Friuli's countriside from Mount San Michele | D3s + Tamron SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD, ƒ/9.0 1/80 ISO 640

Friuli’s countriside from Mount San Michele | D3s + Tamron SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD, ƒ/9.0 1/80 ISO 640

According to Catherine Opie the biggest cliché in photography is sunrise and sunset. I agree. Actually against landscape photography itself already Ansel Adams had something to sentence about. Nonetheless without challenge there is no improvement. So, sunrise, sunset as well as any landscape are very welcome to me to test the unlimited possibilities of interpretations. I recovered this one over the past few days, going through my library to identify forgotten or left-aside shots. – the more I go through my imagery, the more I notice I am led by clouds – besides my beloved lines.

It was taken a couple of winters ago, the last time I brought that anvil of my Nikon D3s back to Italy. The hills around San Martin del Carso, beyond Isonzo river, right in front of my town, Gradisca d’Isonzo, were the theater of harsh and deadly fights during WW1. Leftover of trenches and fortifications have been made into museum and memorabilia. So much you can dominate with your camera, as much these places were considered necessary for artillery. We still shot indeed, although with different tools. And right behind me – behind the spot this shot has been taken – lots of things stand as memento of a deadly experience, where the only red was that of the blood spilled by the hundred thousands that died slaughtered for us to enjoy here today these colors.

Back on earth…?

“He was not bone and feather but a perfect idea of freedom and flight, limited by nothing at all” ― Richard Bach, ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’

Seagull flying over the lagoon. Grado, Gorizia, Italy. Michele Marcolin ©


E-M5 + Oly M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3 | ƒ/7.1 1/250 ISO 200

Lont time, no post!

Yes, I am still alive and well. And I do hope I will find time & will to reorganize my thoughts and notes to lay them down in text, in order to fill in the blanks I left since my previous notes for whoever stumble here and bothers to read. Let’s just say that things have not changed much so far, despite layers of new experiences, faces, places, etc. came, in meantime, depositing on me their contribute. I am not definitely back at square one. But, honestly, for now I see no great improvement yet in my everyday situation or, thing that matters more to me, my expectations. The catalyst for the alchemy to happen remains; just, this time it is the solution around me that has changed and it is not ready to promote the burst. Something independent from me: a situation called crude oil at 45$ per barrel… So I am still doing what I used to do. Just a bit (quite a bit, actually) more unforbearing with everything and everybody. Perhaps also with myself. Keyword now, while waiting for the right gush of wind to push my sails, is… stand fast. Flying is allowed only with the fantasy. Or paid carriers and frequent flyers cards! lol